Thursday, February 13, 2020

Pinched Nerve

So last night while filling Lady's dish I coughed and managed to pinch a nerve pretty badly. E has been taking care of me really well which is super sweet. He told me I was grounded to the couch so I've been there for most of the day working on my current crochet project which is a blanket for E.

I've been a little irritated that I could bake today, but I'm hoping I feel better tomorrow so that I can. Yesterday I was pretty ambitious though. I did like 5 loads of laundry, cleaned up the bedroom a little, baked brownies, did dishes, and cooked dinner. I am hoping I can be productive again tomorrow so that I can get ahead of some of this housework.

As far as my health has gone I've gained a little weight, but I've cut back on soda. I had really gotten comfortable with just drinking soda instead of water for a while which I'm sure hasn't helped. I've also gotten a lot less activity lately than I should. I got quite a bit yesterday so I'm hoping I can tomorrow too.

My mental health has been doing pretty good. No issues with my PTSD, depression, or anxiety. I haven't been reading as much as I would like to so I have to get back into that as well. I'll be making sure I read some this evening for sure.

I want to say thank you to my amazing husband who has helped me so much our entire relationship. I know I can lean on him when needed and that security is amazing. So thank you E. I love you!

-The Baking Hippie

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Slow Cold Day

Today was pretty uneventful. I finished crocheting a small bag for my phone. I'm hoping it will help when I don't have pockets, which coz I'm a woman is most times lol. I've started a blanket for Lady. It's slow going because of my arthritis.

This the progress on Lady's blanket.

I did do some dishes and worked on my German. I read a few pages, but will read more later tonight just before bed. Tomorrow I plan on weighing myself and work on Lady's blanket.

This is the bag I made.

Hopefully I will have a good update tomorrow!

-Baking Hippie

Thursday, February 6, 2020


So a little history first. I'm a disabled Navy vet with PTSD, depression, anxiety, and social anxiety. I am overweight and working on losing some weight or at least feeling healthier than I do now. I am also working on my mental health issues. I try to read, meditate, and self care every day. Over the course of my journey I plan to make small changes in order to get to my goals.

Even though I'm not as worried about my weight I will be keeping track of it along with a few other things.

More about me? Well I bake almost every day. I have three cats (Michonne, Shadow, and Monster) and one dog (Lady). I play video games a lot. I am currently learning German. I will also be doing a book blog along with this one since I read as often as I do. I am happily married for just over three years to a wonderful husband (E) that I am sure you will hear all about.

My first small change is going to be to try to reach 500 steps a day. If I can get that (which should be no problem) every day for a week I will up it to 1000 steps. Then I'll up it as I complete or lower it as I miss too often.

Current Weight: 250
Goal Weight: 225

-Baking Hippie